Mara Korkola, No Place 466, 2023$ 3,000.00
Mara Korkola, Pouch Cove 4, 2023$ 2,250.00
Shelley Mansel, Winter Dusk, 2023$ 900.00
Shelley Mansel, Aqua Forest, 2023$ 900.00
Nancy Friedland, The Saddest Part of a Broken Heart isn't the Ending so Much as the Start, 2023$ 2,800.00
Shelley Mansel, Third Snow, 2023$ 900.00
Nancy Friedland, The Light from the Lake, 2023$ 2,800.00
Shelley Mansel, Snow Line Pine, 2023$ 900.00
Shelley Mansel, Crashing Waves 17, 2023$ 900.00
Sara MacCulloch, House on the Hill, 2023$ 1,400.00
Sara MacCulloch, Penobscot Christmas Tree in Summer, 2020$ 2,700.00
Sara MacCulloch, Roses at the Beach, 2023$ 2,300.00
Sara MacCulloch, Driving Home from Blue Hill, 2019$ 2,400.00
Sara MacCulloch, Roses in the Rain, 2023$ 1,750.00
Sara MacCulloch, Beach Near Stonington, 2019$ 4,500.00
Sara MacCulloch, Beach at Acadia, 2023$ 2,000.00
Sara MacCulloch, Field Near Castine, 2019$ 2,700.00
Sara MacCulloch, View from Battle Avenue/Castine in the Rain, 2019$ 2,900.00
Mara Korkola, Castine Harbor, 2023$ 1,875.00
Nancy Friedland, Garden Hill, 2022$ 1,600.00
Nancy Friedland, Let's Call it a Night, 2022$ 1,700.00
Nancy Friedland, Garden of Eden #4, 2022$ 1,450.00
Nancy Friedland, Garden of Edent #3, 2022$ 1,250.00
Nancy Friedland, Garden of Eden #2, 2022$ 1,000.00
Nancy Friedland, Croaker's Cove #8, 2022$ 1,800.00
Nancy Friedland, No Hard feelings, 2021$ 2,800.00
Chrissy Nickerson, Pond Island #1 Views From Off Shore Hog Island, 2022$ 5,760.00
Chrissy Nickerson, Pond Isand Revisited #2, 2022$ 5,760.00
Chrissy Nickerson, Castine Harbour the day Buzz was nicknamed the buoy crasher, 2022$ 4,300.00
Chrissy Nickerson, Double Beaches, Great Spruce Head, Elliot Porter Reinterpreted, 2022$ 4,300.00
Johanna Reynolds, Portrait of a Landscape, 2023$ 800.00
Johanna Reynolds, Early Days, 2023$ 825.00
Johanna Reynolds, The Estuary, 2022$ 700.00
Johanna Reynolds, Letters From Camp, 2022$ 700.00
Shelley Mansel, Highlands River, 2012$ 775.00
Shelley Mansel, Meadowvale, 2018$ 1,250.00
Shelley Mansel, Valley Town, 2019$ 1,250.00
Shelley Mansel, Seafoam, 2023$ 290.00
Shelley Mansel, Sea Pool, 2023$ 290.00
Shelley Mansel, Turquoise House, 2016$ 925.00
Shelley Mansel, Sea Crest, 2023$ 290.00