Amy Bernhardthimitsu-bako, 2022Oil Pastel, framed10 x 10 in.Amy Bernhardt, himitsu-bako, 2022$ 800.00
Amy BernhardtItoh, 2022Oil Pastel, framed10 x 10 inAmy Bernhardt, Itoh, 2022$ 800.00
Amy BernhardtOpus Pocus, 2022Oil Pastel, framed14 x 14 in.
Amy BernhardtA Further Sea, 2021Oil Pastel, framed14 x 14 in
Amy BernhardtStill Light at Four, 2021Oil Pastel, framed16 x 16 in.
Amy GrahamCalifornia Cups, 2022Mixed Media on Canvas20 x 20 inAmy Graham, California Cups, 2022$ 1,800.00
Chrissy NickersonSheep Island From Indian Bar, 2022Oil on Panel5 x 12 x .25 in.
Chrissy NickersonPond Island #1 Views From Off Shore Hog Island, 2022Oil on Canvas48x72"Chrissy Nickerson, Pond Island #1 Views From Off Shore Hog Island, 2022$ 5,760.00
Chrissy NickersonPond Isand Revisited #2, 2022Oil on Canvas48x72"Chrissy Nickerson, Pond Isand Revisited #2, 2022$ 5,760.00
Chrissy NickersonCastine Harbour the day Buzz was nicknamed the buoy crasher, 2022Oil on Canvas48x36"Chrissy Nickerson, Castine Harbour the day Buzz was nicknamed the buoy crasher, 2022$ 4,300.00
Christina ThwaitesWaiting for the Tide to Come In, 2022Ink and Gouache on Canvas8 x 10 in.Christina Thwaites, Waiting for the Tide to Come In, 2022$ 585.00
Christina ThwaitesThree Tall Tress, 2022Ink and Gouache on Canvas8 x 10 in.Christina Thwaites, Three Tall Tress, 2022$ 585.00
Christina ThwaitesI Wish I Was a Bird, 2022Oil on Wood Panel11 x 14 in.Christina Thwaites, I Wish I Was a Bird, 2022$ 800.00
Christina ThwaitesLost in My Thoughts, 2022Oil on Canvas12 x 16 x 0.9Christina Thwaites, Lost in My Thoughts, 2022$ 800.00
Christina ThwaitesNo Wind at All, 2022Gouache on Canvas12 x 16 in.Christina Thwaites, No Wind at All, 2022$ 900.00
Christina ThwaitesOne Happy Sailor, 2022Oil on Canvas12 x 16 in.Christina Thwaites, One Happy Sailor, 2022$ 900.00
Christina ThwaitesBusy Little Dock, 2022Oil on Canvas12 x 16 x 0.9Christina Thwaites, Busy Little Dock, 2022$ 900.00
Christina ThwaitesAdventures at Night, 2022Oil on Canvas16 x 18 x 0.9 in.Christina Thwaites, Adventures at Night, 2022$ 1,100.00
Christina ThwaitesQuiet Spring Morning , 2022Oil on Canvas18 x 24 x 0.9 in.Christina Thwaites, Quiet Spring Morning , 2022$ 1,900.00
Christina ThwaitesMr. and Mrs. Homard, 2022Oil on Canvas18 x 24 x 0.9 in.Christina Thwaites, Mr. and Mrs. Homard, 2022$ 1,900.00
Christina ThwaitesDusty Buoys, 2022Oil on Canvas18 x 24 x 0.9 in.Christina Thwaites, Dusty Buoys, 2022$ 1,900.00
Christina ThwaitesWinter Water, 2022Oil on Canvas21.5 x 30.5 x 0.9 in.Christina Thwaites, Winter Water, 2022$ 2,800.00
Christina ThwaitesBuoys Waiting in the Sunshine, 2022Oil on Canvas38.5 x 53.5 x 0.9 in.Christina Thwaites, Buoys Waiting in the Sunshine, 2022$ 4,900.00
Gregory DunhamLow Tide, Corea Harbor, 2022Watercolor on Paper21 x 15 in.
Hannah BureauBlue Horizon, 2022Mixed Media on Canvas48 x 48 in.
Hannah BureauIndigo, 2022Mixed Media on Canvas60 x 48 in.Hannah Bureau, Indigo, 2022$ 5,500.00
Hannah BureauMarina 1, 2022Mixed Media on Canvas48 x 48 x 1.5"
Hannah BureauGreen Fugue, 2022Mixed Media on Canvas24 x 18 x 1.5"
Hannah BureauSalt Flats 1, 2022Mixed Media on Panel11 x 14 x 1.5"Hannah Bureau, Salt Flats 1, 2022$ 900.00
Hannah BureauSalt Flats 3, 2022Mixed Media on Panel11 x 14 x 1.5"
Hannah BureauFish Shacks, 2022Mixed Media on Canvas24 x 24 in
Hannah BureauHarbor Day, 2022Mixed Media on Canvas20 X 30 X 1.5"
Hannah BureauShacks 1, 2022Mixed Media on Canvas12 x 36 x 1.5"
Hannah BureauBlue One, 2022Oil and Acrylic on Linen24 x 36 x 1.5"
Hannah BureauMenemsha, 2021Oil and Acrylic on Linen30x40x1.5"
Hannah BureauHeading Out, 2022Mixed Media on Canvas30 x 40 x 1.5"
Hannah BureauLand Structure, 2021Oil and Acrylic on Linen18 x 24 x 1.5"
Hannah BureauSalt Flats 2, 2022Mixed Media on Panel11 x 14 x 1.5"
Hannah BureauMiddle Marsh 1, 2022Mixed Media on Panel10 x 8 x 1.5"
Hannah BureauLittle Marsh 1, 2022Mixed Media on Panel5x7x1.5"
Hannah BurrRed Corner, 2021Acrylic, cotton batting, wood16.5 x 12
Hannah BurrButter, 2022Acrylic, found cotton, batting, wood12.25 x 9.5 in.Hannah Burr, Butter, 2022Sold
Hannah BurrFire, 2022Acrylic, found cotton, batting, wood12.5 x 9.5 in.
Hannah BurrGod's Eye, 2019Acrylic on upholstered wood10.25 x 8.25 in.
Hannah BurrForest Shade, 2023Acrylic on wood9 x 12 in.Hannah Burr, Forest Shade, 2023$ 1,150.00
Hannah BurrBright, 2021Oil on wood12 x 15.75 in.
Hannah BurrDusk, 2021Oil on wood11 x 14 in.Hannah Burr, Dusk, 2021$ 1,295.00
Hannah BurrWinter with Orange and Red, 2021Oil on Wood11 x 14 in.
Jenny BrillhartLeaning Paper and Linen, 2016Oil and Photo on Aluminum15x11
Johanna ReynoldsThe Estuary, 2022Oil, acrylic chalk pastel on panel8x10X2"Johanna Reynolds, The Estuary, 2022$ 700.00
Johanna ReynoldsThe Afternoon, 2022Oil, acrylic chalk pastel on panel10x8x1"
Johanna ReynoldsThe Shore, 2022Oil, acrylic chalk pastel on panel24x20x1"
Kelly CarmodyLobstersOil on Canvas14 x 18 in.
Kelly CarmodyWindowsill Begonia , 2021Oil on Linen20 x 20 x 2 in
Kelly CarmodyCyclamen, 2023Oil on Linen on Board16 x 16
Louise BourneBee Food, 2022Oil on Canvas30 x 30 x 1.5 inLouise Bourne, Bee Food, 2022$ 3,500.00
Louise BourneAcadia and Approaches, Great Wass, 2020Oil on Panel24x24"Louise Bourne, Acadia and Approaches, Great Wass, 2020$ 2,600.00
Louise BourneAfternoon Arrival, 2021Oil on Panel20x16x1.5"Louise Bourne, Afternoon Arrival, 2021Sold
Louise BourneMorning, Barred IslandsOil on Canvas16 x 16 x 1"Louise Bourne, Morning, Barred Islands$ 1,200.00
Louise BourneMissing the Island, 2021Oil on Canvas36 x 48 (diptych)
Louise BourneLate Light and New Moon, 2021Oil on Canvas36 x 24"Louise Bourne, Late Light and New Moon, 2021$ 3,500.00
Louise BourneLight in Sink and Plate, 2023Oil on Canvas40 x 30 x 1.5"Louise Bourne, Light in Sink and Plate, 2023$ 4,000
Louise BourneSpring Field, 2021Oil on Canvas24 x 36 x 1.5"Louise Bourne, Spring Field, 2021$ 3,500.00
Louise BourneCompass to Camden, 2022Oil on Panel11 x 14 x 1 in.
Louise BourneLooking East from Pendleton Point, 2022Oil on Canvas20 x 40 x 1.5 in.Louise Bourne, Looking East from Pendleton Point, 2022$ 3,000.00
Louise BourneOil on Panel24 x 20 x 1.5"Louise Bourne, 2022$ 2,100.00
Louise BourneMurray Street #2, 2022Oil on Canvas36 x 24 x 1.5 inLouise Bourne, Murray Street #2, 2022$ 3,500.00
Louise BourneDown the Hall, 2022Oil on Canvas30 x 24 x 1.5 in.Louise Bourne, Down the Hall, 2022$ 2,800.00
Louise BourneSpirea and Bay, 2022Oil on Canvas30 x 30 x 1.5 inLouise Bourne, Spirea and Bay, 2022$ 3,500.00
Louise BourneRoom With A Red Floor, 2022Oil on Canvas40 x 90 x 1.5" Triptych
Louise BournePumpkin and Pond from Overlook Rock, 2022Oil on Canvas20 x 40 x 1.5 in.Louise Bourne, Pumpkin and Pond from Overlook Rock, 2022$ 3,000.00
Louise BourneQueen Anne's Lace, 2021Oil on Canvas30 x 30 x 1.5"
Louise BourneStrato Cumulus, 2022Oil on Panel24 x 20 x 1.5"
Louise BourneDawn Walk, 2022Oil on Panel24 x 20 x 1.5"
Megan MagillNight Float, 2022Oil and Oil Stick on Canvas24 x 30 in.Megan Magill, Night Float, 2022$ 3,000.00
Megan MagillPurple Wren, 2021Oil and Oil Stick on Panel24 x 18 in.Megan Magill, Purple Wren, 2021$ 2,000.00
Megan MagillSummer Sunday, 2023Oil on Panel12 x 10 x 1.5 in.Megan Magill, Summer Sunday, 2023$ 900.00
Megan MagillPool Secrets are the Best Secrets, 2023Oil on Panel24 x 30 x 1.5 in.
Molly DwyerHerrick Bay, 2023Oil on Panel7x5"
Nancy FriedlandGarden of Eden #2, 2022Acrylic on Wood Panel6 x 6 x 1.5 in.Nancy Friedland, Garden of Eden #2, 2022$ 1,000.00
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