Amy Bernhardthimitsu-bako, 2022Oil Pastel, framed10 x 10 in.Amy Bernhardt, himitsu-bako, 2022$ 800.00
Amy BernhardtItoh, 2022Oil Pastel, framed10 x 10 inAmy Bernhardt, Itoh, 2022$ 800.00
Amy BernhardtOpus Pocus, 2022Oil Pastel, framed14 x 14 in.
Amy BernhardtA Further Sea, 2021Oil Pastel, framed14 x 14 in
Amy BernhardtStill Light at Four, 2021Oil Pastel, framed16 x 16 in.
Amy GrahamCalifornia Cups, 2022Mixed Media on Canvas20 x 20 inAmy Graham, California Cups, 2022$ 1,800.00
Andrew YoungStill Life, Lobster, 2022Graphite with Watercolor9 x 12 in.
Anna DibbleUnanswered Questions, 2022Oil on Canvas10 x 12 x 1"
Anna DibbleShining By the Bay, 2022Oil on Canvas10 x 12 x 1"Anna Dibble, Shining By the Bay, 2022$ 1,000.00
Anna DibbleKelp Future, 2022Oil on Canvas16 x 20 x 1"
Annie PooleCitgo, 2021Oil on Panel
Carissa PotterHelping, 2019Sumi Ink on Yupo Paper36x24"
Charleen WisemanQuilt in 10 Tones, 2021Cotton, quilted36x40"
Charlotte ClewsStardust, 2022Charcoal and Medium on Paper and Panel12 x 12 in.
Chrissy NickersonSheep Island From Indian Bar, 2022Oil on Panel5 x 12 x .25 in.
Chrissy NickersonPond Island #1 Views From Off Shore Hog Island, 2022Oil on Canvas48x72"Chrissy Nickerson, Pond Island #1 Views From Off Shore Hog Island, 2022$ 5,760.00
Chrissy NickersonPond Isand Revisited #2, 2022Oil on Canvas48x72"Chrissy Nickerson, Pond Isand Revisited #2, 2022$ 5,760.00
Chrissy NickersonCastine Harbour the day Buzz was nicknamed the buoy crasher, 2022Oil on Canvas48x36"Chrissy Nickerson, Castine Harbour the day Buzz was nicknamed the buoy crasher, 2022$ 4,300.00
Christina ThwaitesNight Time Wanderings, 2021Oil on Canvas22x22x1.25 inchesChristina Thwaites, Night Time Wanderings, 2021$ 2,000.00
Christina ThwaitesBrother Boats Tied Up for the Night, 2021Oil on Canvas26x36x1 inchesChristina Thwaites, Brother Boats Tied Up for the Night, 2021$ 3,500.00
Christina ThwaitesHouse on the Beach, 2021Oil on wood panel12x15x1.5 inchesChristina Thwaites, House on the Beach, 2021$ 800.00
Christina ThwaitesLighthouse, 2021Oil on wood panel24x36x1.5 inchesChristina Thwaites, Lighthouse, 2021$ 3,400.00
Christina ThwaitesOld Boat, 2021Oil on Canvas37.5x50.25.0.9 inchesChristina Thwaites, Old Boat, 2021$ 4,800.00
Christina ThwaitesSalty Dock, 2021Oil on Canvas19x25x1.75Christina Thwaites, Salty Dock, 2021$ 2,000.00
Christina ThwaitesToday Will Be a Good Day, 2021Oil on Canvas19x25x1.75 inchesChristina Thwaites, Today Will Be a Good Day, 2021$ 2,000.00
Christina ThwaitesThis Feels Good to Be on the Water, 2021Ink and gouache on canvas13x17x1.75 inchesChristina Thwaites, This Feels Good to Be on the Water, 2021$ 900.00
Christina ThwaitesSummer Holidays, 2021Ink and gouache on canvas12x16 inchesChristina Thwaites, Summer Holidays, 2021$ 900.00
Christina ThwaitesTree Covered, 2021Oil on Canvas34.75x38.5x0.9 inches
Christina ThwaitesWhen the Sun Has Gone to Bed, 2021Oil on Canvas12x12 inchesChristina Thwaites, When the Sun Has Gone to Bed, 2021$ 750.00
Christina ThwaitesWaiting for the Tide to Come In, 2022Ink and Gouache on Canvas8 x 10 in.Christina Thwaites, Waiting for the Tide to Come In, 2022$ 585.00
Christina ThwaitesThree Tall Tress, 2022Ink and Gouache on Canvas8 x 10 in.Christina Thwaites, Three Tall Tress, 2022$ 585.00
Christina ThwaitesI Wish I Was a Bird, 2022Oil on Wood Panel11 x 14 in.Christina Thwaites, I Wish I Was a Bird, 2022$ 800.00
Christina ThwaitesLost in My Thoughts, 2022Oil on Canvas12 x 16 x 0.9Christina Thwaites, Lost in My Thoughts, 2022$ 800.00
Christina ThwaitesNo Wind at All, 2022Gouache on Canvas12 x 16 in.Christina Thwaites, No Wind at All, 2022$ 900.00
Christina ThwaitesOne Happy Sailor, 2022Oil on Canvas12 x 16 in.Christina Thwaites, One Happy Sailor, 2022$ 900.00
Christina ThwaitesBusy Little Dock, 2022Oil on Canvas12 x 16 x 0.9Christina Thwaites, Busy Little Dock, 2022$ 900.00
Christina ThwaitesAdventures at Night, 2022Oil on Canvas16 x 18 x 0.9 in.Christina Thwaites, Adventures at Night, 2022$ 1,100.00
Christina ThwaitesQuiet Spring Morning , 2022Oil on Canvas18 x 24 x 0.9 in.Christina Thwaites, Quiet Spring Morning , 2022$ 1,900.00
Christina ThwaitesMr. and Mrs. Homard, 2022Oil on Canvas18 x 24 x 0.9 in.Christina Thwaites, Mr. and Mrs. Homard, 2022$ 1,900.00
Christina ThwaitesDusty Buoys, 2022Oil on Canvas18 x 24 x 0.9 in.Christina Thwaites, Dusty Buoys, 2022$ 1,900.00
Christina ThwaitesWinter Water, 2022Oil on Canvas21.5 x 30.5 x 0.9 in.Christina Thwaites, Winter Water, 2022$ 2,800.00
Christina ThwaitesBuoys Waiting in the Sunshine, 2022Oil on Canvas38.5 x 53.5 x 0.9 in.Christina Thwaites, Buoys Waiting in the Sunshine, 2022$ 4,900.00
Christina ThwaitesBoats in the Cove, 2021Encaustic on wood panel8x10inch
Christina ThwaitesBeach Shacks, 2021Oil on Canvas24x29x1.5 inches
Christina ThwaitesBig Blue II, 2021Encaustic on wood panel4x4x0.9"
Christina ThwaitesBig Blue I, 2021Encaustic on wood panel4x4x0.9"
Christina ThwaitesEvery Boat Has a Story to Tell, 2021Oil on Canvas28x40x1 inches
Christina ThwaitesBy the Water, 2021Ink and gouache on canvas, (framed)8x10 inches
Christina ThwaitesHappy Little Boats, 2021Ink and gouache on canvas8x10 (framed)
Christina ThwaitesHappy Yellow Boat, 2021Ink and gouache on canvas8x10 (framed)
Christina ThwaitesSleeping Boats, 2021Encaustic on wood panel9x11x1.75"
Christina ThwaitesGolden Rain on the Windows, 2021Encaustic on wood panel4x4x0.9"
Christina ThwaitesWe Can Swim Together, 2021Interactive Magnetic Painting on Panel8x10x0.9 inches
Christina ThwaitesSwim with Me, 2021Interactive Magnetic Painting on Panel12x16x0.9 inches
Clark Fitz-GeraldReclining Nude, 1951Osage Orange Wood26 x 40 x 22"
Edith YoungFourth of July on the Town Common, 2022Ink Print29 X 36"
Elizabeth Ashton HallettPetit Four, 2022Oil on Board6 x 6 inElizabeth Ashton Hallett, Petit Four, 2022$ 500.00
Elizabeth Ashton HallettFour Petit Fours, 2022Oil on Board8 x 10 in.Elizabeth Ashton Hallett, Four Petit Fours, 2022$ 600.00
Elizabeth Ashton HallettBathtub 5 (Brooklyn, NY), 2022Oil on Panel6x8x1"Elizabeth Ashton Hallett, Bathtub 5 (Brooklyn, NY), 2022$ 500.00
Elizabeth Ashton HallettBathtub 3 (Nova Scotia), 2022Oil on Panel8x8x0.75"Elizabeth Ashton Hallett, Bathtub 3 (Nova Scotia), 2022$ 625.00
Elizabeth Ashton HallettBathtub 6 (Blairstown, NJ), 2022Oil on Panel6x8x1"Elizabeth Ashton Hallett, Bathtub 6 (Blairstown, NJ), 2022$ 500.00
Elizabeth Ashton HallettStaircase (Momence, IL), 2022Oil on Panel6x6x1"
Elizabeth Ashton HallettSink (Columbia, SC), 2022Oil on Panel6x6x1"Elizabeth Ashton Hallett, Sink (Columbia, SC), 2022$ 500.00
Elizabeth Ashton HallettBathtub 4 (Wabash, IN), 2022Oil on Panel8x8x1"
Elizabeth Ashton HallettApron, 2022Oil on Canvas10x8x0.75 in
Emily PettigrewBedroom Above the Sea, 2019Acrylic on Wood8x8x1.5
Emily PettigrewIsland Keyhole, 2020Acrylic on Wood8x10x1
Emily PettigrewBlack Dog in Island Fog, 2020Acrylic on board8x10"
Emily PettigrewA Young Man's Vows are Soon Forgotten, 2020Acrylic on board5x7
Emily PettigrewNight Walk, 2020Acrylic on board10x10"
Emily PettigrewBarrens, 2020Acrylic on board9x12"
Emily PettigrewIslander Hiding from Vistors, 2020Acrylic and graphite on board8x6"
Emily PettigrewSteadman Children in the Bath, 2020Acrylic and Graphite on board11x14"
Emily PettigrewCome Round Right, 2021Acrylic and Graphite on Wood4x6"
Emily PettigrewHarlot's Hut, 2019Acrylic on Wood6x12"
Emily PettigrewSylvie Sleeping, 2020Acrylic and Graphite on Wood7x8"
Emily PettigrewThe Abandoned Girl, 2018Acrylic on Wood11x7"
Frédéric SilbermanCurtis Point No.5, 2018Dye Sublimation Print on Aluminum36 1/2 x 30 in.Frédéric Silberman, Curtis Point No.5, 2018$ 950.00
Frédéric SilbermanHerring Cove No. 15 Currents, 2018Dye Sublimation Print on Aluminum36 1/2 x 30 in.Frédéric Silberman, Herring Cove No. 15 Currents, 2018$ 950.00
Frédéric SilbermanHerring Cove No. 27 Currents, 2018Dye Sublimation Print on Aluminum29 3/4 x 39 inFrédéric Silberman, Herring Cove No. 27 Currents, 2018$ 950.00
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